Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Essay Work

Open a new tab (command-T). Type in the URL of the essay that you liked best and re-read that essay. In your writer's notebook, go to the next available page, title it "Good Details," and quote three examples of good details from the essay. (Don't forget to cite!)

Then, choose ONE of your body paragraphs. Click 'comments' below. In the comment window, type your first name and your last initial, then type ONE of your body paragraphs, making sure to add good details.

Monday, December 6, 2010

This I Believe

You are going to compare three "This I Believe" essays and type your comparison into a comment on this post.

1. Go to the This I Believe website. Hover your cursor over the "explore" link. You need to choose three essays to read.

2. Click on "comments" below. For each essay, include:
  • a. The essay title
  • b. The URL (copy from the website & paste here)
  • c. The theme or topic

3. In the comment, explain which essay is the best of those three, and why. Remember to think about the elements of good writing as you explain.

4. Type your first name and last initial at the end of your comment before you click "Post Comment."